Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Science Topics - Magnets and springs

Hello there!
Welcome back.

Today, lets explore the wonderful characteristics and properties of a magnet.

Step 1) Read the learning objective first

Learning Objectives:
1) Make and test predictions about whether materials are magnetic or not.
2) Know that magnets attract some metals but not others and that other materials are not attracted to magnets.
3) Use results to draw conclusions, indicating whether they were right in their prediction about which materials were magnetic.

Step 2)Please try the below interactive exercise and complete the quiz after the activity.

Step 3) Now, let me find out how much you know about magnet. Try this:
Magnets Millionaire [this link opens on a new page] game at Quia
Magnets Pop-up at Quia [this link opens on a new page]

Step 4) Still hungry for more information on magnet? Try this:
Magnet Madness - learn more about magnets

Magnetic Forces

Step 5) This website that you are going to view this full of experiments that you could gather ideas for your SCIENCE TOY!

Magnet Man - Cool Experiments on Magnets
Magnetic obstacle course

You do remember that you need to do your toy and hand it to me right? I will be giving out the requirements and guidelines soon. For now, enjoy your lessons.

Step 6) Go to your Class 3A EDP Portal and refer to the concept map attached. Use bubbl.us to create your map and submit to me.

Have Fun!!

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