Monday, September 1, 2008

Concept Maps in Action

Let me put it this way...

You can just use a piece of paper and a pencil to start your own mindmaps or concept maps. Concept map gives an overview of the concepts learnt in a science chapter for instance. When you are finished, you could pass the paper around to let your friends add ideas to it. Concept maps on paper are cool, but Concept maps on the internet are cooler.

Now, you can use It is a mind-mapping product aimed towards literally anyone who needs help organizing their thoughts or any untidy information. It’s so simple. And as always, simplicity is best when you need to be creative. A fantastic collaborative mindmapping application, freely available online.

You can also try out this mind mapping software FreeMind. You need to install this in your computer.

I use FreeMind, which is way more powerful, and not too difficult to manage. Oh, and it's Open Source and free.

Below are some photos of the pupils using Freemind and

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