Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mathematics - $$ MONEY $$

This is our final topic for P1 - MONEY.

Let play some games:

1) IGLOO Shopping
Go shopping in the snow by clicking on the coins and dollars to pay for the items.
You can choose the difficulty level for this game.

2) ICT Math Games

3) Young Investor

4) Pay with $$
You have to click on the coin - $1, dollar notes - $5, $10 to pay the actual amount for the items.

Take note:
Most of the games presented above are not in Singapore currency.
Pupils are still able to apply addition and subtraction concepts.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Science Topics - Magnets and springs

Hello there!
Welcome back.

Today, lets explore the wonderful characteristics and properties of a magnet.

Step 1) Read the learning objective first

Learning Objectives:
1) Make and test predictions about whether materials are magnetic or not.
2) Know that magnets attract some metals but not others and that other materials are not attracted to magnets.
3) Use results to draw conclusions, indicating whether they were right in their prediction about which materials were magnetic.

Step 2)Please try the below interactive exercise and complete the quiz after the activity.

Step 3) Now, let me find out how much you know about magnet. Try this:
Magnets Millionaire [this link opens on a new page] game at Quia
Magnets Pop-up at Quia [this link opens on a new page]

Step 4) Still hungry for more information on magnet? Try this:
Magnet Madness - learn more about magnets

Magnetic Forces

Step 5) This website that you are going to view this full of experiments that you could gather ideas for your SCIENCE TOY!

Magnet Man - Cool Experiments on Magnets
Magnetic obstacle course

You do remember that you need to do your toy and hand it to me right? I will be giving out the requirements and guidelines soon. For now, enjoy your lessons.

Step 6) Go to your Class 3A EDP Portal and refer to the concept map attached. Use to create your map and submit to me.

Have Fun!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Concept Maps in Action

Let me put it this way...

You can just use a piece of paper and a pencil to start your own mindmaps or concept maps. Concept map gives an overview of the concepts learnt in a science chapter for instance. When you are finished, you could pass the paper around to let your friends add ideas to it. Concept maps on paper are cool, but Concept maps on the internet are cooler.

Now, you can use It is a mind-mapping product aimed towards literally anyone who needs help organizing their thoughts or any untidy information. It’s so simple. And as always, simplicity is best when you need to be creative. A fantastic collaborative mindmapping application, freely available online.

You can also try out this mind mapping software FreeMind. You need to install this in your computer.

I use FreeMind, which is way more powerful, and not too difficult to manage. Oh, and it's Open Source and free.

Below are some photos of the pupils using Freemind and

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cyber Wellness Series - Is the Internet Safe?

By now, you should know what is the internet all about...

It is a very cool place, but is it safe for you to go online on your own?

I would like you to watch the below videos together with your parents (if possible).
Ask questions or post your comments about the videos in this blogspot of mine.

Well, today lets us view the two videos -

1) BrainPop - About 5 important Internet safety rules

(Parents, you could get a 5-day trial account to watch other educational videos from BrainPop when register with a email account. You have to activate the account by clicking on the hyperlink in the email.)

2) - To learn from the three little pigs on Online Chat

Please go home and go to our EDP Portal and click on the "Cyberwellness Survey" and do it together with your parents. : )

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mental Sum - P1 Mathematics

Hey Kids,

I would like you to try out this website:

You can have fun guessing - and learn Math at the same time.

How to Play:
# The FunBrain Magician will give you a math word problem to solve.
# If your answer is too high or too low, FunBrain will let you know.
# Try to solve the word problems in the fewest possible tries.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Plants and their parts - Leaves

This Wednesday lesson, we are going to classify leaves.
During the 2 periods, I am sending you to gather leaves of different sorts.
We are looking for similarities and differences in their characteristics.

At the same time, please observe the other parts of the plant.

MY PALS ARE HERE - Systems Activity Book - 1.2 [A Plant is a system] , 4.1 [Sorting Leaves]

Reference Sites:
Leaf Identification
Types of Leaves
Study of Plant Parts

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fact Hound is a website that you can used to extend your learning online. I had came across books of all titles from Compass Point in the National Library. Look for the link in the last few pages.

Just choose the topics of your choice and it will provide some interesting weblinks on it!

For example: I click on 'Animals' and it digs up some websites like
BBC: Science and Nature - Animals


Algae - Power Plant of the Future?

Algae are simple water plants that can vary in size, colour and shape. Algae occur naturally in habitats such as creeks, rivers, lakes and damp soil and provide a food source for animals, fish and water bugs.

Animals, Plants and Algae in Wetlands

You would be surprise to know that scientists are trying to harness the power potential of algae to produce hydrogen where energy will be abundant, inexpensive and nonpolluting.

Read on...

By the way, tortoises are reptiles. In most tortoises, the outer layer of the shell is covered with large horny scales called scutes.

Visual dictionary of a turtle

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Math - Length

Ready for a new chapter?

Chapter 9 - Length
Click on the links to learn more.

(1) Comparing Things
(2) Measuring Things - using objects as non-standard units
(3) Finding Length in Units - use the term 'unit' to describe length.
BBC Bitesize Games - Math

(4) Taking Measure - Advance Topics
Get to grips with estimating and converting length in the Taking measures game.

(5) FunBrain
Peep and the Big Wide World!
PBS Kids Central
KaBoose Fun School
Bonus for being so hardworking and attentive.

Have Fun!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Math - Subtraction

Recently, I started to teach my Math Class - Subtraction.

I had used PowerPoint (ppt) slides to show:
i) the meaning of subtraction
ii) use number stories to illustrate subtraction

Click on the below links to access free ppt and play to enrich your understanding on the topic.

Subtraction at

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Cyber Wellness Series - Dangers with cyber contacts

When you were participating in an online activity, have you been asked to key in your details?

May want to visit this site for some tips:

To provide educators and parents with information and educational resources to help youths understand the dangers that exist online and to surf safely and responsibly.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Exploring Materials


Detective Mate-Rials needs your help to find out the following:

  1. GROUPING MATERIALS Follow the instructions and group the objects together.
  2. CHARACTERISTICS OF MATERIALS Follow the instructions to find out about the properties and uses of some common materials.
After some own investigation in the "World of Materials", please complete
  • Worksheet 24, 25 & 26 in the Science Process Skills 'Diversity' Booklet
PS: Remember to check your work before submission.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Learning Journey at Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden

On this coming Wednesday, I am going to bring my science pupils to
Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden.

It is the first garden of its kind in Asia and is designed to provide a unique discovery and learning experience in a garden setting.

Pre - Visit Activities
Before we embark on our learning journey, please do read and know the following:
  • List the parts of a plant
  • Draw a diagram of a plant, including all the parts, then label and describes the function of each
  • Go to this website to learn more about plants; identify the different parts of plants, what each part does, and how plants grow.

I hope after the visit to the Children’s Garden, you will start to cultivate an appreciation for plants, nature and environment.

Monday, February 18, 2008

More Math Games!!

Well pupils,

I am going to introduce you to this website:

bbc numeracy

Please click on the above hyperlink and select the sites you want to visit.

Have fun!

Math Games Online!

Hello Pupils,

Ready to go online for some Math Games??

1) Fishy Count Count the fish and select the correct answer.

2) Mooncakes Using the arrow keys, select the largest number to the smallest number.

3) BraveKid Solitarie Arranging cards from 10 to 1 in pattern of red and blue order.

4) Tower of Hanoi Move all the rings to the rightmost rod.

5) Count Us In Each game is designed to help children understand basic concepts in mathematics.

6) Primary Math Games A selection of Math games

That's all for now.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Diversity – Living and Non-living Things

Conservation Challenge

We must consider many perspectives when developing conservation plans.
People, animals, and plants all depend on the health of the forest. The endangered giant panda, and other temperate-forest plants and animals, depend on the forest for their survival.

Local people, as part of the forest ecosystem, depend on it for social, cultural, and ecological values and for their livelihoods; scientists study giant pandas and their habitat to help ensure their future in the wild; reserve managers and staff patrol protected areas and carry out conservation goals; policy makers use scientific research findings to create legislation to protect wildlife and wild lands; state and local governments try to balance the economic needs of local people
and the ecological needs of wildlife.

As consumers and citizens of the biosphere, our needs, choices, and patterns of consumption make us an important part of this equation. We can apply our knowledge and creativity to help create solutions.

Giant pandas are native to central China. One of the best ways to help protect giant pandas is to protect their habitats. In "Habitat Adventure: Panda Challenge!", you will help make decisions about a fictional forest reserve. You will use binoculars, field guides, a camera, and other tools, as well as talk to local people to help you make the best decisions.

Core Areas” are the main habitat areas for plants and animals. Use binoculars and collect plant samples to help designate a core area in the reserve.

Count “Carnivores” to assess habitat health. Photograph wildlife and identify animal tracks to count the carnivores in the reserve.

Corridors” are tracts of land that connect core areas, allowing animal movement between core areas. Use a camera trap and identify animal sounds to help pick the best habitat corridor for the reserve.

Communities” are an important part of the equation. Help balance the needs of animals and people who live in and around the reserve. Identify valuable plants and set up a beehive for an alternative income source.

Pupils can use their journals to record their choices and reflections when playing the Habitat Adventure: Panda Challenge Game.

Up for an extra challenge? Go to
Smithsonian's National Zoological Park here.

Have Fun!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hello Class 3A!

Pupils will discover the amazing diversity and complexity of forms of life and how they interact with their environments.

You may want to visit this link:

Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan.
Activity and fact sheet on classification - Science: Living things - variation
More advanced (if you want to know more in-depth) information on Classification on living things
Photographs of living things

Monday, January 28, 2008

2008 ICT Lifeskills Survey

2008 ICT Lifeskills Survey - Part A

Click Here to take the 1st survey

2008 ICT Lifeskills Survey - Part B

Click Here to take the 2nd survey.

2008 ICT Lifeskills Survey - Part C

Click Here to take the third survey.