Thursday, August 13, 2009

Grammar Rock Adjective

Hi Kids,

This music video is about 'adjective'.
Do you know what is it?

School House Rock video on adjectives is based on a camping theme to describe adjectives.

You can watch the video and look at the lyrics below.


Got home from camping last spring.
Saw people, places and things.
We barely had arrived,
Friends asked us to describe
The people, places and every last thing.
So we unpacked our adjectives.

I unpacked "frustrating" first.
Reached in and found the word "worst".
Then I picked "soggy" and
Next I picked "foggy" and
Then I was ready to tell them my tale.
'Cause I'd unpacked my adjectives.

Adjectives are words you use to really describe things,
Handy words to carry around.
Days are sunny or they're rainy
Boys are dumb or else they're brainy
Adjectives can show you which way.

Adjectives are often used to help us compare things,
To say how thin, how fat, how short, how tall.
Girls who are tall can get taller,
Boys who are small can get smaller,
Till one is the tallest
And the other's the smallest of all.

We hiked along without care.
Then we ran into a bear.
He was a hairy bear,
He was a scary bear,
We beat a hasty retreat from his lair.
And described him with adjectives.

}} {Whoah! Boy, that was one big, ugly bear!}

{You can even make adjectives out of the other parts of speech, like
verbs or nouns. All you have to do is tack on an ending, like "ic"
or "ish" or "ary". For example, this boy can grow up to be a huge
man, but still have a boyish face. "Boy" is a noun, but the ending
"ish" makes it an adjective. "Boyish": that describes the huge
man's face. Get it?}

Next time you go on a trip,
Remember this little tip:
The minute you get back,
They'll ask you this and that,
You can describe people, places and things...
Simply unpack your adjectives.
You can do it with adjectives.
Tell them 'bout it with adjectives.
You can shout it with adjectives.

Music & Lyrics: George R. Newall
Sung by: Blossom Dearie
Animation: Phil Kimmelman and Associates


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Online Games - Stimulate Young Minds

Hello pupils!

Having a good break from school?
Anyone can't wait for the new school term to start in the end of June?

Anyway, please remember to submit your Math Excel worksheet to your teacher in the school portal.

Alright, off we go to play some online games! You may want to get your parents to play along with you.

FunBrain - Play the different activities in this exciting Math Arcade!

Simon v1.0 - The family classic game. Remember the pattern of lights and then play them back. The home game classic!

Battleship - Enter into a naval battle against your computer.

Shape Matching Game - Great for hand-eye coordination. Click on the shapes that appear on the top before time runs out!

Castle Defense -
Defend the castle by buying different types of tanks to shoot the enemy. This is a game of strategy. It's not as easy as it looks!

Maze Race 2 -
Use the arrow keys to move the red lady bug. Your goal is to get to the food before the green lady bug does.

Spot the Difference -
Use your mouse to click on 10 differences between the two pictures. The faster you do it, the higher your score will be!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mathematics - Picture Graph

Hello there,

It is time for us to look at some games for PICTURE GRAPH.

Remember: A picture graph uses pictures to show you e.g. how many like reading or like the toy.

Finished? Well done!

Go here to play a memory game - Don't wake up the baby

Have Fun!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ordinal Numbers, Numbers To 20, Length

Next week, we will be doing our last chapter for the term - Addition and Subtraction within 20.
Please go and practise your addition and subtraction with 10.

Remember the 'counting forward' / 'counting backward' ? That will really help you later.

If not, this will be a great excuse for you to try out some games to revise it. : )

Addition and Subtraction with 10

Add to 10 - choose 2 fuzzy animals to add to 10

Addition Eaters - Sum of 4 means 2+2 / 3+1

Subtraction Eaters - Difference of 1 means 2-1 / 3-2 / 8-7 / 9-1

Monkey Maths - add up to 10

Have fun.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Shapes and Pattern

I am Mr Lee.

Hey there 1B pupils,

We have finished the topics on 'Shape' this week. Please remember how to spell the names of these shapes -

Rectangle Square Circle Triangle

We have also learned to recognise patterns in a series of shapes.
Now, let me introduce you to this game that you could practise your pattern skills.

Weather Games

If you are up to the challenge, go and make a figure using tangrams. Click on the icons (with figures) to practise first before creating your very own.

Tangram Puzzles

Now, I present to you:

A train

A podium, underwater ocean, a farm

A wonderful design of a train and some pictures of 'shape' robot : )

A kite, flying over a house

Some more beautifully-designed houses

Look at that helicopter!

Ahh!!! Aliens!!
Oh, that's how I look like in the morning before coming to school...
Thank you for your wonderful world of shapes!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Math Holiday 'HOMEWORK'

Hello Pupils,

You can revise your addition and subtraction by playing this game online.
Please remember to rest your eyes for 5 minutes after half an hour of play.
If possible, play this along with your parents and challenge them if you dare!

1) Addition Pinball

2) Subtraction Pinball

3) Robot Calculator a bit difficult for some of you

Install 'TyperFaster' and Internet Explorer 7 for Mac Computer

Hello pupils,

Last Saturday, I met up with some P1 parents.
They are very interested in the typing software that you are doing with Mrs So.

Parents, you could click here to download the installer file and view here for instructions of the program. Please remember to scan for computer virus before installation.

Also, I would like you to show your parents around the school portal. Try to use IE 7 or firefox browser. Unfortunately, only firefox browser is available for Mac computer, not IE 7.

So, have fun and remember to read some story books during the holidays!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Making Addition Stories

Hello pupils!

Today, you will be able to view addition stories based on pictures and various situations done by your classmates.
You can try to solve story sums on addition using number bonds or the ‘counting on’ strategy.

The rest of the sums can be view in class.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Math - Subtraction

Hello 1B & 1G pupils,

Subtraction - minus - means taking away (less).
Addition - plus - means giving to you (more).

Let us play the following subtraction games to see how well you have understand the topic.

1) Subtraction Fishing Game

2) The Little Animals Activity Centre

3) Soccer Subtraction

4) Target take Away

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Math - Addition Sum

Hello there!

We have started to do addition, and all of you do it well.
I am very proud. Please keep up the good work.

Now for some rewards:

1) Sum Sense - single digit addition

2) Save the whales

3) Flight for fuel

Friday, January 9, 2009

Number 0 - 10 ICT Games

Hello 1B and 1G pupils,

Please visit the links below to enrich your learning in Mathematics.
Have fun!

'More or less' Mucky Monsters
- An activity for Reception children, identifying more and less.

Whack A Mole
- Choose a number to start from. Choose the size of steps to count in. Then whack the moles with the next number in the sequence.

Counting Caterpillar
Choose your minimum and maximum number. Children then arrange numbered buds on the branch. If you are finished, click on the caterpillar to see if you are right.
Nutty Numbers
A game where you must count in ones starting from zero. Help the Squirrel to find the next number/nut.

Fairground Target Game
Counting in 1's to 10.