Friday, January 9, 2009

Number 0 - 10 ICT Games

Hello 1B and 1G pupils,

Please visit the links below to enrich your learning in Mathematics.
Have fun!

'More or less' Mucky Monsters
- An activity for Reception children, identifying more and less.

Whack A Mole
- Choose a number to start from. Choose the size of steps to count in. Then whack the moles with the next number in the sequence.

Counting Caterpillar
Choose your minimum and maximum number. Children then arrange numbered buds on the branch. If you are finished, click on the caterpillar to see if you are right.
Nutty Numbers
A game where you must count in ones starting from zero. Help the Squirrel to find the next number/nut.

Fairground Target Game
Counting in 1's to 10.