Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fact Hound

FactHound.com is a website that you can used to extend your learning online. I had came across books of all titles from Compass Point in the National Library. Look for the FactHound.com link in the last few pages.

Just choose the topics of your choice and it will provide some interesting weblinks on it!

For example: I click on 'Animals' and it digs up some websites like
BBC: Science and Nature - Animals


Algae - Power Plant of the Future?

Algae are simple water plants that can vary in size, colour and shape. Algae occur naturally in habitats such as creeks, rivers, lakes and damp soil and provide a food source for animals, fish and water bugs.

Animals, Plants and Algae in Wetlands

You would be surprise to know that scientists are trying to harness the power potential of algae to produce hydrogen where energy will be abundant, inexpensive and nonpolluting.

Read on...

By the way, tortoises are reptiles. In most tortoises, the outer layer of the shell is covered with large horny scales called scutes.

Visual dictionary of a turtle

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Math - Length

Ready for a new chapter?

Chapter 9 - Length
Click on the links to learn more.

(1) Comparing Things
(2) Measuring Things - using objects as non-standard units
(3) Finding Length in Units - use the term 'unit' to describe length.
BBC Bitesize Games - Math

(4) Taking Measure - Advance Topics
Get to grips with estimating and converting length in the Taking measures game.

(5) FunBrain
Peep and the Big Wide World!
PBS Kids Central
KaBoose Fun School
Bonus for being so hardworking and attentive.

Have Fun!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Math - Subtraction

Recently, I started to teach my Math Class - Subtraction.

I had used PowerPoint (ppt) slides to show:
i) the meaning of subtraction
ii) use number stories to illustrate subtraction

Click on the below links to access free ppt and play to enrich your understanding on the topic.

Subtraction at pppst.com